Kintone Engineering Blog
Learn about Kintone's engineering efforts. Kintone is provided by Cybozu Inc., a Tokyo-based public company founded in 1997.

Why We Chose Connect-Query over GraphQL
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Nimrod Grinvald (@ngrinvald) If you're a frontend engineer, you've likely heard of GraphQL. It's a powerful tool for building APIs that can simplify frontend communication with the back-end. But when is it not the right choice? In this post, we'll share our frontend engineering team's process for…

Let’s Reimagine Groupware Together
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) and Nimrod Grinvald (@ngrinvald) Step back in time with us to 1997. Two years from now, Marc Benioff will found Salesforce in a San Francisco apartment and declare “The End of Software.” Soon, his product will usher in an era where customers rent software over the In…

Five Things to Prepare for Cgroup v2 with Kubernetes
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Daichi Sakaue (@yokaze) Above all the effort of the community, Kubernetes is now ready to run with cgroup v2. We recently migrated our on-premises Kubernetes clusters to use cgroup v2 and discovered some key points to know. This blog post explains what cgroup v2 is, what it brings to Kubernetes, …

Introducing MOCO, a modern MySQL operator on Kubernetes
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) We are proud to announce a new MySQL operator named MOCO. MOCO manages MySQL clusters on Kubernetes that replicate data using GTID-based semi-synchronous replication. We will be migrating hundreds of MySQL instances in our production environment to Kubernetes with MO…

Architecture for isomorphic API Client with TypeScript
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Toru Kobayashi (@koba04) This article will introduce how we've built @kintone/rest-api-client and its architecture.

Placemat: Powerful Data Center Virtualization Tool
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Yusuke Suzuki Placemat is our open-source software built to provide data center virtualization for CI automated testing along with technologies like QEMU/KVM virtual machines and Linux networking stacks. Setting up a CI environment for tools to build infrastructure automatically, such as Kubernet…

Multi-tenancy monitoring system for Kubernetes cluster using VictoriaMetrics and operators
Kintone Engineering Blog
By UMEZAWA Takeshi We are building a large data center system using Kubernetes for various development teams in the same company. To monitor the system activities, we used to rely on Prometheus and Grafana. Recently, we revamped our monitoring system with VictoriaMetrics and its Kubernetes operator …

Tolerating failures in container image registries
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Akihiro Ikezoe, Hirotaka Yamamoto Have you ever experienced that your Kubernetes cluster cannot create new Pods because Docker Hub or other container registries are down? This article will show you several ways to ensure your Kubernetes clusters can always pull images even while an upstream regis…

Rebooting a LOT of Kubernetes nodes in a declarative way
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Daichi Sakaue (@yokaze) Hi, I'm Daichi, and I'm working on developing our on-premise data centers using Kubernetes (k8s). Have you ever spent a whole day rebooting all the machines in a Kubernetes cluster? Just checking the steps and chatting, a peaceful afternoon passes with a warm conversation.…

Delegating CNI requests to a gRPC server for better tracing
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) Coil v2 is a Kubernetes network plugin that implements Container Networking Interface (CNI) 0.4.0. CNI defines plugins as executables. In Kubernetes, kubelet or container runtimes such as containerd directly executes CNI plugin binary. The fact that CNI plugins are e…

Implementing highly-available NAT service on Kubernetes
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) In the previous article, we introduced Coil v2 and its opt-in egress NAT feature. The feature allows any Kubernetes Pods to initiate outgoing TCP/UDP communication with external networks. This article dives into how it is implemented. For the impatients, here is the …

Introducing Coil v2, a Kubernetes network plugin to build Egress gateway
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) We are pleased to announce that Coil v2, the second major version of our CNI plugin for Kubernetes, is now generally available. Coil offers bare-metal network performance plus the following features: Multiple address pools to create Pods with special IP addresses Opt…

Introducing pvc-autoresizer
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Akihiro Ikezoe. Today, we are excited to announce pvc-autoresizer, which is new, Kubernetes-native, open-source software to provide the ability to expand the size of Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) on Kubernetes cluster automatically. pvc-autoresizer can virtually be used with all CSI drivers tha…

Production-grade Deployment of PVC-based Rook/Ceph Cluster
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Satoru Takeuchi (@satoru-takeuchi) Introduction Rook/Ceph support two types of clusters, "host-based cluster" and "PVC-based cluster". The former specifies host paths and raw devices to create OSD, and the latter specifies the storage class and volumeClaimTemplate that Rook should use to consume …

Managing Monorepo using Lerna and Yarn workspaces
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Toru Kobayashi (@koba04) This article shows how to manage multiple packages in a single repository.

Announcing TopoLVM 0.3 & 0.4
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Banji Inoue (@binoue) We are happy to announce that TopoLVM 0.4.0 is released. TopoLVM is a storage plugin for Kubernetes using LVM. It features dynamic provisioning and capacity-aware scheduling among others. Here is news about the recent TopoLVM developments. Community updates What’s new in Top…

Production-grade delivery workflow using Argo CD
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Banji Inoue (@binoue), Akihiro Ikezoe(@zoetro) Nowadays, GitOps is widely considered the best methodology for continuous delivery. However, the right way of implementing GitOps for production environments is not widely understood. We briefly introduce some GitOps best practices and then explain h…

Automating Lifecycle Management of Kubernetes Clusters
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hiroshi Muraoka (@tapih) This article introduces Cybozu Kubernetes Engine(CKE), a certificated Kubernetes Conformance Software by CNCF. CKE is designed to reduce the operations burden for large Kubernetes(k8s) clusters as little as possible. It can automatically install and do an in-place upgrade…

Introducing a New Local Storage for Kubernetes: TopoLVM
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Kazuhito Matsuda (@kazmaz11) Local storage in Kubernetes means storage devices or filesystems available locally on each node server. This article briefly reviews existing local storage solutions in Kubernetes, then introduces a new storage plugin named TopoLVM which is a kind of local storage pro…

Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Implementation
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) As part of Project Neco, we are building a highly scalable data center network for large Kubernetes clusters. In Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Design, we described the challenges of building a pure layer 3 data center network and the ground design…

Getting Started with BIRD Routing Software
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) This is a supplementary material for Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Implementation to cover the basics of the BIRD Internet Routing Daemon. Although there is an official user's guide, this document hopefully helps readers to understand the core con…

A Brief Introduction to BGP for Software Engineers
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) This is a supplementary material for Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Implementation to cover the basics of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) used inside data centers. The intended readers are software engineers who only heard of it. Table of contents: W…

Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Design
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Shin'ya Ueoka (@ueokande), Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005) As part of Project Neco, we are building a highly scalable data center network for large Kubernetes clusters. This is the first of the series of articles to describe the network implementation of Neco. In this article, we describe the chall…

Project Neco: Building Cloud Native On-Premise Data Centers
Kintone Engineering Blog
By Hirotaka Yamamoto (@ymmt2005), a low-code application platform service, is branded as in Japan. Today, is used by more than 30,000 customer companies. To provide a reliable and cost-effective service, we have several geographically distributed data centers. Proje…